What is it?
Date of event: Thursday, March 28, 2024 - 9:00 AM (during school hours)
Can students turn in form and whatever money they have collected on the 11th so they are guaranteed her KIT, but continue to collect money to turn in by the 27th so they can meet further goals?
What is the fundraiser for?
Who is the event for?
Does participants have to go through color?
We are excited to announce that our fundraiser for the Spring will be a COLOR RUN with so many fun obstacles for students DURING SCHOOL HOURS. All funds raised will be used for PBIS awards, programs, and end-of-year awards.
This event is for ALL students at KES (PreK through 4th grades)
Our color run and obstacle course will help promote health and wellness, consisting of four sections of obstacles and a color zone. The color zone will have volunteers spray non-toxic colors on each student as they finish each section and at the end of the race. The color zone may be bypassed if a student does not wish to go through it.
We encourage parents/guardians to attend and volunteer.
Students can OPT OUT of getting any color on them by going around that area.
There will be four sections of obstacles with a small area to “run” in between. Accommodations are planned for students with disabilities.
Thank you to Allen Parish Community Healthcare for donating fresh fruit to all participants following the event.
Students request donations from sponsors (Businesses, Parents, Guardians, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparents, Friends, Family members, etc.) and collect at least $10.
Date of event: Thursday, March 28, 2024 - 9:00 AM (during school hours)
To be guaranteed TSHIRT from KIT orders due MARCH 11, 2024!!!
The last day to turn in forms and money is Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
Obstacle Examples:
- Tunnel Crawls
- Tire Jumps/Zig Zag
- Car wash with pool noodles.
Recommended Attire:
Prizes will be awarded to students for money raised. Listed below are the prizes given and they accumulate as amounts increase.